As a boy, I got into a lot of fights. Not because I was a tough guy or anything but because I was defending myself, pride and honor. Other times I was angry for reasons I can’t even remember. I didn’t really know how to fight, but the aforementioned circumstances made me feel like I had to. I won some and lost some. None too bad to cause irreparable harm but they all left mental impressions.
These impressions made me promise to commit myself wholeheartedly to learning how to fight whenever I got the opportunity. The opportunity did eventually present itself but ironically, the more I learned about fighting, the fewer fights I got into. I wish I knew that as a boy growing up. It would have helped a lot.
I don’t know if I’ll ever have children, but every once in a while I imagine being a parent. I imagine my little man (I always wanted a little Logan) and the things I would teach him. Fighting is definitely one of those things. “To My Unborn” is a somber conversation with my imaginary son about the purpose of fighting the the importance of deliberately choosing when to fight as opposed to being coaxed into it out of anger or any other emotion.
There is also an unreleased remix. You check out both the original and the remix right below. Let me know which you like best.
Logan P. McCoy
Rhythm & Poetry - Vol. 1
The Lucky Logan Letter
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